[Geodynamics] vEGU Session - The Arctic connection

Dear colleagues (with apologies for cross-posting),

It’s EGU abstract time again. So, if you work on the Arctic or proximal surroundings, please consider submitting to our interdisciplinary session at vEGU21:

GD6.2. The Arctic connection - plate tectonics, mantle dynamics and paleogeography serving paleo-climate models and modern jurisdiction. (co-organized CL4/GMPV11).

Invited speaker: Maria Jensen (The University Centre in Svalbard)

More session details at https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/session/39788

Abstract submission deadline: 13 January, 13:00 CET

Curious about the format of vEGU, then have a look here: https://www.egu21.eu/about/provisional_format_of_egu21.html


The conveners: Rebekka Steffen, Frances Deegan, Karolina Kośmińska, Grace Shephard, Owen Anfinson.