Invitation for study: Inter-analyst comparison and reproducibility of apatite fission track analysis

Hello all!

we would like to invite you to participate in a new inter-analyst fission-track study: Inter-analyst comparison and reproducibility of apatite fission track analysis. The aim of this study is to understand at analyst decisions behind age determination, such as confined track and Dpar measurements and density estimation criteria. Transmitted and reflected light image stacks of 41 grains and graticules are available on a cloud platform. The analyses of the images can be carried out by software tools, manual measurements or AI. A version of FastTracks (v3.2) limited to open the data of this study is available.

Besides providing new understandings of the selection criteria and bias of numerous analysts with a wide-range of fission-track experience from various labs, the results will help initial learning stages of AI in many on-going developments.

Links for the data, limited licensed FastTracks (v.3.2), manual and the further details of the study is attached. The deadline for the submission of the results June 1st, 2022.

If you like to participate or have questions please email:

Thank you very much!

Murat T. Tamer, Ling Chung, Richard A. Ketcham, Andrew J.W. Gleadow