Yinan Wang will be giving this week’s RSES seminar on Alternate careers in geology? The collector’s market for rocks, minerals, and fossils. The speaker will also join us for an informal discussion after the seminar.
You can join the seminar via zoom either on your personal device or in-person together with RSES folks at either J1 seminar room or J7 Hales room.
Alternate careers in geology? The collector’s market for rocks, minerals, and fossils
Yinan Wang
Johns Hopkins University
May 20, 2021 • 1 pm (AEST)
Zoom linkhttps://anu.zoom.us/my/rses.seminar.room?pwd=NGxUekIranBCQnhQcFdkVC9kSjloZz0 ( 606 666 0101, password: jaeger)
*It will also be broadcasted in J1 seminar room
The natural history market has existed since the 1800’s and recently has become extremely popular as crystal and fossil collecting has taken off. This talk will explore the history of commercial natural history, how the field has changed, and what the future holds as the auction market begins to look at natural history as art more than science.
I grew up in upstate New York in the United States and I’ve been collecting minerals and fossils since I was a kid. I went to Princeton University for college and got a bachelors in geosciences, with a specialization in mass extinctions. Over the past few years I’ve been in a variety of industries including selling rocks and minerals, and as a natural history consultant at an auction house. I’ve kept a toe in the sciences by contributing to paleoentomological research, mostly via interesting fossil insect specimens I find in amber. In 2018 I published a young adult book entitled “The 50 State Fossils, a guidebook for the aspiring paleontologist” which won a silver medal from the Independent Publishers Book Awards. In 2020 I published “50 State Gems and Minerals”. I’m currently a graduate student in Geospatial Intelligence at Johns Hopkins University.
For seminar schedule, visit RSES Seminars Thursday 1pm | ANU Research School of Earth Sciences (sourced from researchseminars.orghttp://researchseminars.org/)
For past recordings, visit ANU RSES Seminar Series - YouTube
RSES Seminar Committee
Email: seminar.convenor.rses@anu.edu.aumailto:seminar.convenor.rses@anu.edu.au
Zoom: https://anu.zoom.us/my/rses.seminar.room
Web: http://rses.anu.edu.au/news-events/event-series/rses-seminars-thursday-1pm
Youtube: ANU RSES Seminar Series - YouTube