Dear colleagues,
The “TS Must-read” team of early-career scientists of the EGU Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS) Division presents the next paper up for discussion from the list of contributions selected by the TS community.
Starting today, join us on this discussion forum for an engaging discussion of Late Cenozoic uplift of mountain ranges and global climate change: chicken or egg?, by Molnar and England (1990) that will be moderated by Armin Dielforder, Marta Marchegiano and David Fernández-Blanco
You can also comment and discuss this paper with us on Twitter (@EGU_TS) with the hashtag #molnar90 or by replying to this email.
Check our recent summary blog post of Critical taper model of fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary wedges, by Dahlen (1990), in the TS EGU blog here.
Follow us on Reddit and/or Twitter to stay tuned!
The TS Must-read Team
PS. The “TS Must-read” papers coming next are:
Buck (1991) Modes of continental lithospheric extension. Discussion forum here.
Cowie and Scholz (1992) Physical explanation for the displacement-length relationship of faults using a post-yield fracture mechanics model. Discussion forum here.
Fossen and Tikoff (1993) The deformation matrix for simultaneous simple shearing, pure shearing and volume change, and its application to transpression-transtension tectonics. Discussion forum here.